Investing Philosophy
CWS Asset Management does use investing techniques such as “market timing”, trying to beat the market or purchasing individual stocks for investment portfolios. Passive, index based investing through low cost index funds as well as exchange traded funds (ETF’s) is the core of the investment strategy used at our company. Investment fees, commissions and taxes decrease overall portfolio performance, therefore all investments used attempt to minimize those hindrances.
Assisting clients to build efficient investment portfolios is our main goal. These investment portfolios keep clients money working and growing for the client, not for the investment industry. Please watch the presentation on our investment philosophy.
Assisting clients to build efficient investment portfolios is our main goal. These investment portfolios keep clients money working and growing for the client, not for the investment industry. Please watch the presentation on our investment philosophy.
Phone: (559) 936-7328
Phone: (559) 936-7328